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10 Things to do on Video Chat & Zoom!

Let me guess.
You're bored out of your mind, and miss your Friends? Join the club. We pretty much have no control over this whole quarantine situation, but we can choose how we react to it, so why not make the best of it, right? One thing that we have available to us, and has become very useful and popular lately is 
video chat and zoom. But doesn't just talking get boring sometimes? Some of you have school classes, but who wants to do school? You may ask, well what is there else to do on video chat and zoom besides just talk and class? Well I am here to tell you just that! So without further ado, here's 10 things you can do on video chat/zoom with your family and/or friends.😀  

1. Family Reunion  

Yes a family reunion. I did this with my family and it was super hilarious! I know not everybody is to found of hanging with their family, but it's a great opportunity to meet some distant cousins and maybe learn something new about your family history. I feel like quarantine opens up possibility's for us to do things we probably would have never done in the first place, such as looking at very very very old family photos. I 100% recommend doing this.

2. Talent Show

Call me crazy, but I feel like people rarely do talent shows anymore.
Like even before quarantine, I feel like nobody did talent shows anymore. Maybe I was just never invited to one. If your like me, and have never been to or participated in a talent show, why not host one with your friends?! You don't have to have a talent to participate, you can be the host. The one who announces everybody and tells the audience what their talent is. I am pretty sure there is a name for it but I can't think of it. But I am very certain, -whoever you are reading this- that you have a talent. Whether or not you realize it and acknowledge it, is for you to handle, but if you think you don't have one, think again. Everybody has a talent.

3. Show and Tell

Okay okay, I know what your thinking. Maybe it is a little cheesy, and a little bit kindergarten showdown kinda thing, but its still a super cute and a fun idea. And if its not your jam, but you have kids and your kids have friends, why not host one for them? It would be absolutely adorable! 

4.Movie Night

This is probably my most favorite thing to do on this list. Me and my friends love doing this and it is so fun. Movie nights are so timeless and classic. Plus its a good idea for date night, or a night with your friends. Sometimes just me and my best friend (you know who you are) will watch Gilmore Girls. Me and my friends normally do it on zoom, and once we have chosen the movie we all start it at the same time. I know most streaming platforms have a watch party thing now which if that works for you and your friends you should totally have a movie night, but in order to have and join a watch party you need to have a laptop or a computer and not everybody has either one. Which that is totally cool, and in which case you can try what me and my friends do, and get on zoom, choose the movie, and start it at the same time and just use the chat box on a zoom meeting to talk about the movie while you watch it. But don't know what to watch?
 Don't worry, I have a post coming about that soon!

5. Sleep Over

So movie night was my first favorite thing on this list, Sleep over is 100% my second favorite. Basically the idea of it, is to be on video chat all night, and do stuff we would do at a sleepover. Yes, including sleep if you wanted. Of course you don't have to do it all night, it can be half a night if you please. A few things me and my friends did to make it like a normal sleep over are, watched a movie, played a online game together, and told some scary story's, but we ended up psyching ourselves out😆. Anyway it was just the three 
of us, but you can totally invite more people. If you choose to do this idea, I really hope you have fun like I did. Remember you don't have to do this the exact way me and my friends did (though it is okay if you want to), you can spice it up however you would like.

6. Game Night  
Game nights are honestly so fun. Of course because it would be on video chat, the options of games to play are very limited. Some online options could be Minecraft, Roblox, and Kahoot! Some other options are Family Feud, Charades, and also making up quizzes about each other. Though it is kind of difficult to have a game night, it is not impossible. So if you would not prefer any of the game options I have mentioned (which is totally cool) get creative and come up with some of your own games.

7. Book Club

Remember how I promised in my introduction post that I have some upcoming blogs related to books for all the book lovers out there? Yea well, just you wait. Their coming. Slowly. Anyways I have never been in a book club before, but I have seen tons of movies about them (wow so much experience) and I think it is a super cute idea. Maybe if you like reading, half of your friends read to. Maybe not. But maybe the idea of a book club would peek the interest. Just pick a day of the week, gather your friends, choose a book and ta-da your very own book club. If books are not your thing, you can choose a different subject/category. The basic idea is to have some sort of club.  

8. Picnic

Picnics are so cute and fun and relaxing. Having or going to a picnic is actually something I have done for once. Anyways how does a video chat picnic work? Well start the call with your friends, grab a blanket and snacks, and set up. And if you want to make it feel more like a normal picnic and your internet will allow it, I suggest going outside and set up there.

9. Teach a Class

I know in the beginning we were talking about how boring it is to do school, and perhaps even teach it, (unless you like school and teaching which is totally cool) but I was mainly talking about the normal classes, like math, history, Etc. Maybe you like sowing, needle pointing, or maybe you like fashion (like me!) and want to share your skills with others. Why not do that by teaching a class? It is a good way to share your skills, and maybe make some money to!

10. Music Recital

I know, we are finally at the end of the list. Thank goodness right? (kidding) A few years ago I took piano lessons, and eventually I stopped. But I still know how to play, and I will play here,and there. The person who I took piano lessons from has a piano recital every year. Except this year it was on zoom. Everybody did such a wonderful job! Anyway you don't have to play piano, it can be any other instrument. The main point is to have a music recital.

I am kind of nervous about posting, because I am afraid I might offend somebody somehow. So if I have offended you in someway, I am truly sorry. I just want to share my thoughts and ideas with you, and never would want to harm someone or something. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I hope it helps you in some way!💛

Bye for now!

~Miss Molly  



  1. VERY good ideas can't wait to try them😁

  2. Family reunion was SO MUCH FUN!! If you do another game time, count me in!


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