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I got Guinea Pigs!

Hi guys, I hope you all are having a good week! Welcome back to my blog!

So, I have some exciting news, and from the title, ya probably know what the news is. Yes, I got guinea pigs! In my neighborhood, the person who originally owned piggy #1, couldn't give her the attention she needed due to their job. So unfortunately they had to give her away. Guess who got her? Yep, I did. And if you are or have been a guinea pig owner, you know its better to have 2 piggy's then 1. So yesterday we went to the pet store and got piggy #2! So this month, I wanted to introduce both of them to you guys, and show some super cute pictures I took of them. We will also discuss some things I've learned so far, as well as some tips about owning guinea pigs. And I also want to share some guinea pig blogs, and YouTube channels that have really helped me in learning to care for my new children (in this post, child or fur baby refers to my guinea pigs.) 

Meet Millie and Dixie!
Yes, piggy #1 is named Millie. A cute name for a cute baby. And when I say baby, I literally mean baby. Millie is about 8 months old. She loves to cuddle, as well as give kisses. She also loves to hide in your hoodie pockets. She loves to munch on hay, grass, and veggies. And of course, Treats. She loves to run through a tunnel, like the ones that you get your cat that make crinkle noises. And she also has a pink house that she spends half her time in. When you crinkle any bag, she makes squeak noises (but its actually called wheeking.) She makes these noises because she gets excited, because she knows your about to feed her. Then she starts pop-corning. Pop-corning is something they do when they are happy, and excited, hence why she popcorns when I fed her (pop-corning is jumping up in the air.) When I hold, and pet her, she starts vibrating. A guinea pig vibrating is very similar to a cat purr. Though vibrating noises normally mean they are happy, it can also mean they are un-happy (according to what I have read.) She is also super spoiled. And ya know how people have therapy dogs, and pets to help them? Well I have found out that having Millie has helped me a lot. Taking care of her everyday, distracts me from day-to-day worries, (like the virus.) And snuggling with her, calms me down if I've had a not so great day.
 Anyways, now I shall show you a picture of her. 

Piggy #2 is named Dixie (though we might change her name). When you get guinea pigs, it is better to give them a 24-hour adjusting period. So we have had Dixie for more then 24-hours (I know I said we got her yesterday, but I typed that on Tuesday, and today is Thursday). We have taken Dixie out, and given her some snuggles. We also introduced Millie and Dixie. It was so cute, they started communicating and wheeking. And Dixie started pop-corning. Then Dixie tried to nurse Millie. We assume that she wasn't nursed with her mom, and maybe she thought Millie was her mom. We really don't have a clue, but let me tell ya, Millie did not like trying to be nursed. Every time Dixie tried to nurse, Millie would squeak, not normal wheeking but almost like a tiny scream. Dixie is a baby too, I think she is about 2 or 3 months old, (that's why we assumed). She is super tiny and fluffy, she literally fits in your hands. Millie is a American guinea pig, and Dixie is a black, white and grey Absirryain guinea pig. I don't have as many pictures of Dixie as I do of  Millie, but I do have this one of her. 

 What I've learned about guinea pigs.
Here are some things I've learned so far about guinea pigs, and owning them: Their diet should be 80% hay and/or grass, fresh water, veggies and fruit (mostly veggies because fruit contains sugar), and treats. Treats should be fed 1-2 times a week. Hay/grass should be unlimited, and according to what I've read, 1 cup of veggies per piggy per day. Not all guinea pigs are the same, so what one guinea pig may eat and how much they eat, is not always the same as another guinea pig. I do not feed my guinea pigs a cup of veggies everyday, because they are still baby's, though piggy's do need veggies because veggies, like belle peppers contains vitamin c which is needed to help them grow, and just for the health in general. Guinea pigs are similar to us humans, because we need vitamin c as well. Try not to feed them the same veggies every day, and try to offer a variety if possibly. They can eat a wide range of veggies, but to name a few they can eat are, belle peppers (mostly red and green), cilantro, kale, cucumber, romaine lettuce (never ice burg lettuce). Make sure the veggies are fresh and un-cooked. Another thing I have learned, is that guinea pigs can get allergies like us. I took Millie outside for the first time today, and it is pollen season, and once I brought her back inside, she was sneezing and her nose was a little wet. They also can catch colds like us. Signs of a cold include: Runny nose (much different then allergy runny nose), red eyes, and they will stop eating. Guinea pigs can also get depressed. Most often you should get them in pairs. They are social animals, and like to have company. They can die from being lonely so if you have only 1 piggy and, you think you are to busy to devote time to a guinea pig, because of work and school, etc. it might be best to not get one. Piggy's love going outside and eating grass, though beware, depending on where you live they can get fleas from outside. Like us, they need exercise. Since piggy's are social animals, most love to cuddle and snuggle. Perfumes, and essential oils, are toxic to piggy's. Anything citrus is also toxic. It is ok to have 1 piggy, but it is better to have 2 if possible, and make sure they are both females, so their are no un-wanted baby's. I am no expert, these are just things I've learned. All piggy's are different, though they all require the same care (diet, lots of affection, companionship, exercise, etc.) These are jut a few things I have learned, their is a lot to learn about piggy's.   

Some tips (I am no expert though.)
Here are some tips that help me, and that I recommend:
1. Spot clean cage every day or every other day.
2. Deep clean cage once a week.
3. Try to take them outside once a week. 
4. Give them as much as attention as you can.
5. Get a play pen for them.
6. Beware of Hawks when you take them outside, piggy's are prey animals.
7. Pick them up gently.
8. Use a towel when you hold them. 
9. They do not like loud noises.
10. They like to play with toys.

Helpful blogs, and YouTube channels.
Guinea Pig 101

YouTube channels: 
Little Adventures 
Little Kingdom

My guinea pigs routine.
Dixie does not have a routine yet, because she is new. Though, I read that piggy's do like having a routine because it makes them feel secure, especially if they are in a new home. Millie has routine, so here's her routine. 

Refill hay
1 Scoop of food pellets

Refill hay (yes, they ae supposed to have unlimited amounts of hay)
Take her outside (Only if it is a sunny day, never take them outside when the ground is wet)

Feed her veggies & more hay
Spot clean cage (if needed
Play with her (snuggles, cuddles etc.

I am thinking about making another blog, but it will be completely dedicated to guinea pigs. I would make posts about my guinea pigs, and their adventures, and also some posts about guinea pig care. If you guys would like to see that happen, please let me know in the comments! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you all have a good day! I hope you enjoyed this months post, and I will talk to you guys next month.

Bye for now!💛 

~Miss Molly 


  1. Yes! Would love a guinea pig blog!

  2. So sorry you had to say good bye to Dixie. I love you, my precious one.♥


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